James Webb Space Telescope Deep Field 0723 showing millions of galaxies 4 Billion light years away.


This is mostly for my benefit so I can link various sites.

I’m a former IT (Unix) geek and also a medical doctor although not in clinical practice anymore. These days I play a lot of PC games and make mods for some of them. Occasionally do a little programming too (C#/Java mostly). I’ve played various MMORPGs, although currently I’m focused on ESO where I run a guild. But I’m always on the lookout for a new MMO to quit.

Most gaming and tech communities use Discord these days. It’s a great platform for organising social groups, but unfortunately many of those servers now contain a wealth of information that is closed, unindexable and unsearchable. My username is… unsurprisingly “aintiarna”.

My online life began when the internet was wild and untamed. Usenet, IRC, mailing lists, talkers, Teamspeak, Discord and finally Reddit (that great information sump of the internet that seems to have recently begun to decompose). I also have a Mastodon account but I don’t really know what to do with it and so far it’s technically speaking, rather basic.

The image above is SMACS 0723 courtesy of JWST. A small 1cm patch of night sky showing millions of galaxies containing billions of stars. The gravitional lensing displayed is also fascinating. Whenever I feel like my problems are huge, I stare at this for a bit and remember how miniscule they really are. A nifty trick that seems to work. So far.